SNS Team Members
CEO & Training Manager

Current Administration Positions:
President – Qld Shooting Association
President – Belmont Shooting Complex Site Users
Delegate – QPS Weapons Licencing & Shooting Assoc. Group
Delegate– Qld Police Minister Firearm Forum
Mark Farrow
Until 2011, Mark was a Company Director of MAPgraphics Pty Ltd for 17 years. As the rapid growth in and the access to technology took hold, a future in the map publishing industry seems uncertain.
In 2011 Mark, together with wife Sue decided to move away from the mapping path and build a new path that involved creating an organisation to supply qualified training into today’s community.
Mark has inherited from his Dad a passion for shooting, resulting in over 30 years of involvement in the sport of clay target shooting. His involvement in Sporting Clays has been at all levels being a competitor, coach, referee and administrator.
- Cert IV in Training and Assessment – RTO Rose Training Australia – 2012 – Updated 2014
- Coaching Principles Level 1 – Issued by Australian Sport Commission (ASC) – 2001
- Presenter Training Program – Australian International Shooting Ltd / ASC – 2009
- Assessor Training Program – Australian International Shooting Ltd / ASC – 2009
- Referee – Sporting Clays – Sporting Clays AustraliaClub Coach SCA for 15yrs – Sporting Clays Australia
- Competition Coach SCA – Sporting Clays Australia
- Apply First Aid – RTO Allens Training
- Positive Notice Blue Card – Qld Commission for Children & Young People
- Justice of the Peace – Qld Department of Justice – 2013
- Australian Sports Medal – Australian Government – 2000
SNS – Chief Executive Officer Role
The Chief Executive Officer has the following duties and responsibilities:
- Maintain a systematic approach to the management of operations.
- Collect, analyse and act on relevant data for the continuous improvement of Site n Scope Training operations.
- Identify and analyse legislative and regulatory requirements.
- Personally undertake all formal communication with ASQA.
- Manage arrangements to cooperate with ASQA in the conduct of regulatory audits, access to information, retention of records and in keeping registering authorities informed of changes to Site n Scope Training status.
- Perform duties in an ethical and professional manner that supports an inclusive environment that is free from discrimination and harassment.
- Respect the needs of each student and make adjustment to administrative processes to accommodate the needs of individuals.
- Prepare and submit reports to ASQA. These reports will include AVETMISS reports, Quality Indicator Reports, training activity reports and others as directed.
- Maintain appropriate insurances to protect Site n Scope Training from loss and to protect students and staff in case of injury caused during Site n Scope Training activities.
- Monitor training and assessment services to remain aware of the quality of services being delivered and the satisfaction of learners and employers.
- Establish and monitor information management arrangement to ensure Site n Scope Training has a records and data management system that guarantees access, integrity and accuracy.
- Implement and monitor compliance with Site n Scope Training version control system to ensure documents being used in the delivery of services are the most current and approved version.
- Implement and monitor arrangements to store and archive records in accordance with Site n Scope Training records retention policy. This is to include arrangements to back-up electronic data into a secure off-site location.
- Facilitate student access to their records on request.
- Build cooperative partnerships with community organisations and liaise with ASQA on relevant issues.
- Implement and monitor arrangements to engage with industry to ensure training and assessment services are aligned with industry requirements.
- Keep informed of changes in the VET industry including changing regulatory requirements and changes to endorsed training packages.
- Oversee Site n Scope Training financial affairs including annual certification of accounts, the receipt, protection, distribution and the budgeting of operational activities.
- Conduct staff inductions and training to ensure staff are aware of obligations and responsibilities with regards to legislation and compliance with the NVR RTO Standards.
- Develop and/or approve all marketing materials to be used for promotional and advertising purposes. This is to include the approval of the use of the NRT Logo.
- Provide arrangements to ensure staff maintain their professional competence and the currency of the skills and knowledge. This is to include annual training session for all staff to update them about regulatory and legislative requirements.
- Provide arrangements to ensure a safe working environment for all students. This is to include a deliberate process of hazard identification, assessment, and control. Workplace safety is the highest priority and takes precedence over all other considerations.
- Establish arrangements to maintain an equitable working environment for all staff. Site n Scope Training environment should be free from discrimination and harassment and respect the rights and choices of individuals.
SNS – Training Manager Role
The role of the Training Manager is to oversee the planning and delivery of training and assessment services within Site n Scope Training. This involves intensive scheduling and allocation of training resources and continuous improvement of training and assessment quality.
The Training Manager has the following duties and responsibilities:
- Plan training and assessment sessions to ensure the required resources are available to support the delivery.
- Deliver and coordinate training in accordance with the requirements of the training strategy using training methods that progressively instil knowledge and skills into the learner.
- Conduct and coordinate assessment in accordance with the principles of assessment and the designated assessment strategy.
- Contribute to the development of curriculum, teaching methods and resources and student assessment procedures.
- Undertake vocational planning interviews with prospective students to provide detailed information about the demands of training and assessment and to evaluate a person’s motivation and intent to pursue their desired career.
- Provide guidance and assistance to staff on educational and administrative issues and career development and maintain staff relations conducive to a productive work environment.
- Undertake own professional development activities to continue to develop competence and currency of skills and knowledge. Update Site n Scope Training professional development register to provide a true record of professional development activity.
- Contribute to Site n Scope Training systematic approach to continuous improvement. This includes participating in Continuous Improvement Committee meetings, identifying opportunities for improvement and acting responsively to implement agreed improvements.
- Participate in Site n Scope Training assessment moderation and validation activities to maintain the alignment of assessment with industry expectations and training package requirements.
- Contribute to the development of training and assessment materials.
- Liaise with Site n Scope Training administration manager to coordinate the flow of documentation to ensure student records and operational data is kept accurate and up to date.
- Maintain equipment and training aids to ensure they are serviceable and safe for operation.
- Monitor the safety of students at all times. Always put the safety of students before any other priority or activity.
- Act as the Student Welfare Officer and implement and monitor student welfare support arrangement.
- Assist the Business Development Manager with trainer recruitment and retention.
- Perform duties in an ethical and professional manner that supports an inclusive environment that is free from discrimination and harassment.
- Respect the needs of each student and make adjustment to training and assessment to accommodate these needs of individuals without compromising the integrity of the desired outcome.
- Facilitate student access to their records on request.
- Ensure that appropriate housekeeping measures are observed, and, those training facilities are maintained in a clean and safe state.
- Contribute to implementing emergency prevention activities and response procedures.
Office Manager

Sue Farrow
Until 2011, Sue was Company Secretary and Office Manager of MAPgraphics Pty Ltd for 17 years.
Duties at MAPgraphics included financial accounts management with MYOB, liaisoning with ASIC, insurance brokers, regulators, accountants, auditor, clients and staff, therefore, maintaining a high standard company profile and efficiency.
Sue’s role as Office Manager will be to act as the primary ‘shop front’ representative of Site n Scope Training and provide general administrative support to Site n Scope Training staff.
SNS –Office Manager Role
The following duties apply:
- Maintain Site n Scope Training accounts.
- Distribute pre-enrolment information to individuals or referral agencies as required.
- Process student enrolment applications and student administration during the enrolment process.
- Raise and maintain student files in accordance with Site n Scope Training records management requirements.
- Conduct periodic audits on student records to ensure their accuracy and integrity.
- Apply policy and relevant legislation with regard to confidentiality and privacy.
- Maintain the student enrolment register within RTO Data and all associated student enrolment information.
- Produce and submit AVETMISS reports on the required reporting cycle and in accordance with reporting format standard as directed by ASQA.
- Answering telephone and email enquiries from members of staff, the general public in a polite and professional manner.
- Apply policy and relevant legislation with regard to confidentiality and privacy.
- Assist staff with administrative enquiries and with completing Site n Scope Training forms and applications.
- Distribute correspondence to staff about future training programs.
- Input learner satisfaction survey data and maintain the survey database to ensure its accuracy and integrity.
- Maintain administration area in neat and tidy condition including a limited amount of cleaning.
- Draft basic correspondence on behalf of Site n Scope Training as required.
- Liaise with Site n Scope Training staff to coordinate the flow of documentation to ensure student records and operational data is kept accurate and up to date.
- Update Site n Scope Training professional development register (RTO Data) to provide a true record of professional development and currency.
- Contribute to Site n Scope Training systematic approach to continuous improvement. This includes identifying opportunities for improvement and acting responsively to implement agreed improvements.
- Liaise with Site n Scope Training staff to coordinate their administration.
- Monitor workplace safety at all times. Always put workplace safety before any other priority or activity.
- Perform duties in an ethical and professional manner that supports an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment.
- Facilitate student/staff access to their records on request.
- Ensure that appropriate housekeeping measures are observed, and, that the workplace is maintained in a clean and tidy state.
- Always strive to minimise waste in the planning and usage of Site n Scope Training resources.
- Model ethical and professional behaviour to set the benchmark of these qualities for staff and others.